Each and every person when looking for a meal the basic questions are what to eat? Is it healthy? Is it a diet meal? Is it good for the tummy? Is it tasty? Is it a new dish? How many calories? What about my sweet tooth? Is it liked by family members? Is it a repeat recipe? Etc…
These questions are more stressful for most of professional men or women after hard day's work; especially using grey matter looks forward for wonderful meal whether cooking self or has cook or ordering from restaurant or even going out to eat. Besides, one who excels in professional life, also wants a wonderful spread during guests' visits and no repetition of any recipes in couples of last parties which they attended.
Travellers can easily predict menu in the hotel and its restaurants whether buffet spread for breakfast or meals or even Ala-Carte. Executive chefs are struggling to make it different but repeating the recipes every day/week. Frequent business travelers while staying at hotels always looking forward to exclusive meals during the day which will not only be tasty, different but also take care of their balance diet and good for tummy.
The solution is MyMenu365 – A unique concept for tasty, healthy and balanced diet ensuring that developing immunity, without the repetition of any dish throughout the year created by Dr. Aruna Sharma, Development Economist and Retd. Secretary – Government of India.
Nutrition has become a distorted term with float of theories of sugar, gluten, milk and milk products bad for you. MyMenu365 transforms the entire paradigm to Indian concept of palette to have all and satisfy all five taste buds sweet, sour, salt, bitter and savory. MyMenu365 curated all tastes in a day with no repeat of dish in entire year of any of the meal of breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and dessert (veg n non veg). Satiating pallet ensures to avoid overeating as well as enables you to develop good immunity.
MyMenu365 is for those who love food at the same time look for a healthy meal (Our thought is one should have all kinds of food in an year - deep fried, shallow fried, air fried, boiled, cooked with less oil, steamed, baked or raw for maintaining a balance of all ingredients in the body).
MyMenu365 is designed in such a way that everyday meals i.e. breakfast, lunch, tea time, dinner and of course dessert will balance the calories intake of the day. For non-vegetarians there will also be a choice to have two recipes in a day as recommended by health experts. Result in every meal is a treat and a surprise at the dining table.
The dishes are Indian, spread across the length or breadth of the country with spray of Italian, Chinese, French, Lebanese, Turkey dishes and Mexican that has become part of Indian food lovers'.
MYMenu365 ensures IMMUNITY BY EATING ALL. You want to cook / order / eat out different menu for all 365 days. Follow MyMenu365 at instagram page mymenu365 or URL https://instagram.com/mymenu365?r=nametag.
MyMenu365 is open for synergetic activities with star hotels and fine dining restaurants across country. Get in touch with Better Kitchen team at mail@betterkitchen.in to take it forward.
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